Meldung vom 02.02.2024

Correction: Annual Financial Report 2022/2023 (ESEF form)

The corrected ESEF-Annual Financial Report 2022/2023 of Energie AG Oberösterreich is now available for download at the company´s website under

Due to a formal error in the composition of the ESEF „report package“ the presentation of the ESEF-Annual Financial Report 2022/2023 of Energie AG Oberösterreich published on December 20, 2023 is corrected. The actual -and now corrected- version of the ESEF „report package“ replaces the original version published on December 20, 2023.

The part of the ESEF-Annual Financial Report which includes the human-readable version of the ESEF-Annual Financial Report (xHTML-file) was not affected by the correction.